Andreou's Arbroath

About Us​

I’m Andy and I’m the owner of Andreou’s. My mum Kyriaki taught me all the homemade Greek recipes that she learnt from her mother passed down through generations of our family.

She was a refugee in Cyprus after the Turkish invasion who met my dad while he was serving in Cyprus with the Forces. They got married in Cyprus and moved to his home town of Arbroath in Scotland.

I’ve been a chef since leaving school working in many restaurants as a head chef around Arbroath and Dundee before starting my own business. With Andreou’s I want to show people the traditional cuisine of Cyprus and Greece. To educate people in a healthier way of eating but still have all the delicious flavours you have with the cheeses, fish, herbs, spices and charcoaled meats.

Andreou’s is an authentic, traditional home-made restaurant modelled on a Greek Cypriot Taverna. We put passion and great skill into everything we cook and every cocktail we make.

We offer something different to the local area as the only Greek restaurant but also by using only the best ingredients. We import ingredients from Greece Cyprus and use the best local suppliers, meats from DH Robertson and Scott Brothers butchers and vegetables from Les Turriff.

Our signature is our famous Meze, which is selection of Greek Cypriot dishes such as halloumi , calamari, chicken souvlaki, sheftalia & moussaka.

My own favourite is Sheftalia, on the charcoal grill, with tzatziki. Book a table today and try it for yourself.

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